Rockland United's Endorsement Process

February 22, 2020

Rockland United is proud to endorse candidates who represent our values and who we believe will move our county and country forward and ensure that civil rights are protected for our most vulnerable communities.

We created the following process for the selection of the top candidate for endorsement. While this is our current process, it is open to changes for future endorsements.

  1. RU votes to endorse in a race: Before the process of endorsement begins, the RU Steering Committee (RUSC) votes on whether or not to endorse in a particular race.

  2. Questionnaire: RU sends a questionnaire to every candidate in the race for whom contact information can be found. The questionnaire was created using the Invisible and Working Family Party templates with changes based on the type of race, the legislative and issue priorities of the group and specific needs of the Rockland community. Here’s the questionnaire we used in the Democratic primary for NY-17.

  3. Questionnaire Review: All members of the RUSC carefully review questionnaire responses.

  4. Interviews: The RUSC votes to interview its top candidates. These are 20-minute interviews that included new questions not addressed in the questionnaire and requests for further info regarding questionnaire responses.

  5. Final Vote: RUSC takes a final vote between all interviewed candidates. We only endorse if the vote is unanimous among our steering committee.